Fighters, Fight Events, & Martial Arts Gyms in California

There are many great gyms that FightMatch is aware of in California. Since we are a site built for fighters by fighters, we limit access to all of the gyms to registered users of FightMatch. If you are a fighter, trainer, or fight promoter please login to view a complete listing of gyms in your area.

10 of Our Top Martial Arts Gyms in CA include:

Gym Name Gym Address Gym City Gym State Gym Zip
South Bay Jeet Kune Do Academy23706 Crenshaw Blvd. Suite 104TorranceCA90505
Aiki Fit Aikido & Fitness426 W 2nd AveEscondidoCA92025
Santa Clarita Karate27737 Bouquet Canyon Rd. #125Santa ClaritaCA91350
Pan AM Tae Kwon DO Academy675 Saturn Blvd # ASan DiegoCA92154
Ernie Reyes West Coast Martial Arts15650 Vineyard Blvd.Morgan HillCA95037
Japan Karate DO Organization3545 Midway DrSan DiegoCA92110
Lima Taekwondo & Martial Arts Academy 5903 Sepulveda Blvd. # ACulver CityCA90230
House of Champions17228 Saticoy StreetVan NuysCA91406
Marinobles Martial Arts and Kickboxing Center600 Commerce DriveRosevilleCA95678

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10 of the Best FightMatch Fighters in CA include:

First Name Last Name City State
JulianSandementeSun ValleyCA
TerenceDurkanSan AnselmoCA
NicholasLukeOro GrandeCA
JustinBradshawLos AngelesCA
Omar Jr.AvilesDowneyCA
xaviermontelongoRancho CucamongaCA
TommyDavisSan LeandroCA

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The Best FightMatch Fight Events in CA include:

Fight Name Fight Description City State
Road to War VArchangel Worldwide Promotions presents Road to War VVista CaCA
Caballero Promotes BoxingCaballero NorCal Boxing presents Caballero Promotes BoxingSacramentoCA
Rogue Fights 33Rogue Fights 33 - Main Event Bill Wilder vs. Matt Kovacs Mike Morales vs. Thomas Hoeper Joey McKernan vs. Tristan LindiReddingCA
LADDER MATCH!East Bay Pro Wrestling presents LADDER MATCH!PachecoCA
Capital Combat Mayhem at the Maciel'sClutch Promotionsm presents Capital Combat: Mayhem at the Maciel's. Main Event Mario Geronimo vs Justin Ford Jesse Ryan vs Eric HelmSalinasCA
Noche de Boxeo Pro-AmCrossroads Boxing Club presents Noche de Boxeo Pro-AmChinoCA
Friday Night Fights3rd Street Boxing Gym presents Friday Night FightsSan FranciscoCA
Battle of the BadgesGrimz Gym presents Battle of the BadgesFolsomCA
Wrestling Lucha LibreEmpire Wrestling Federation presents Wrestling Lucha LibreCovinaCA
Epic Fighting 29Epic Fighting presents Epic Fighting 29San DiegoCA

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CrowdFunding Projects Past and Present include:

Project Name Project Description Project URL
The Bull's CampaignNeed funds for upcoming medicals for my next fight August 29th in Austin Texas
FightMatch Chat TrainingPutting together a class for training people on how to use FightMatch Chat.
funding for a gym membershipGym are expensive and I am a struggling colledge student looking for help, so i can get proper training in for my next fight.
Help me train with the best in the world!Im looking for help for the cost of training. To train at the best gyms with the best coaches I have to travel. The travel fees and training costs are very high
FightMatch Ammy FundFightMatch invests in many fighters and if you want you can help us take care of even more by helping us build up our fighter fund.
MMA Fight Need a SponsorI am an amateur MMA fighter looking for a fight sponsor(s).
Muay Thai FightI am looking for some assistance with travel for a muay thai fight.
Help this old fighter stay in the gameAfter the age of 36meds get more elaborate and expensive...Need some help stay in the cage and doing what I love! Check out my fight history on my main FightMatch profile or go to
Karate Tournament FeeWe would like to help our kids with an upcoming tournament fee.
Self Defense SeminarWe want to put on a self defense seminar specifically targeted at high school seniors that will be heading off to college in the Fall.

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