Karate Tournament Fee | We would like to help our kids with an upcoming tournament fee. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/karate-tournament-fee |
Walkout Shirt MMA | Get your logo on my walkout shirt. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/walkout-shirt-mma |
Help me train with the best in the world! | Im looking for help for the cost of training. To train at the best gyms with the best coaches I have to travel. The travel fees and training costs are very high | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/help-me-train-with-the-best-in-the-world |
Fight Related Medical Issues | Paying for training injuries can be tough with high deductibles on insurance. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/fight-related-medical-issues |
Detour | We are looking to raise money for fighters to travel nationally and internationally for training and competition. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/detour |
FightMatch Chat Training | Putting together a class for training people on how to use FightMatch Chat. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/fightmatch-chat-training |
funding for a gym membership | Gym are expensive and I am a struggling colledge student looking for help, so i can get proper training in for my next fight. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/funding-for-a-gym-membership |
UMMAF Nationals | I am looking to compete in the UMMAF Nationals in St. Louis this May and need help with travel related expenses. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/ummaf-nationals |
The Bull's Campaign | Need funds for upcoming medicals for my next fight August 29th in Austin Texas | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/the-bulls-campaign |
Muay Thai Fight | I am looking for some assistance with travel for a muay thai fight. | https://fightmatch.com/funds/projects/muay-thai-fight |