Fighters, Fight Events, & Martial Arts Gyms in Kansas

There are many great gyms that FightMatch is aware of in Kansas. Since we are a site built for fighters by fighters, we limit access to all of the gyms to registered users of FightMatch. If you are a fighter, trainer, or fight promoter please login to view a complete listing of gyms in your area.

10 of Our Top Martial Arts Gyms in KS include:

Gym Name Gym Address Gym City Gym State Gym Zip
Family Martial Arts Center1009 West 12thEmporiaKS66801
Manhattan ATA Black Belt Academy601 S. 5th StreetManhattanKS66502
Laselva Mixed Martial Arts‎ 1836 South WoodlawnWichitaKS67207
Kansas City BJJ 5917 Johnson Dr. MissionKS66202
Rines American Freestyle Karate119 West 4th StreetLiberalKS67901
Axe Capoeira3809 W. 95th St.LeawoodKS66206
Tae Kwon Do Academy of Overland Park Blue Valley7715 W. 151stOverland ParkKS66223
American Kenpo Karate Academies15581 W. 141 St.OlatheKS66062
USA Martial Arts & Fitness‎ 3013 West CentralWichita KS67203

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10 of the Best FightMatch Fighters in KS include:

First Name Last Name City State
CesarRoblesGreat BendKS

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The Best FightMatch Fight Events in KS include:

Fight Name Fight Description City State
Metro Pro WrestlingMetro Pro Wrestling presents Metro Pro WrestlingKansas CityKS
Metro Pro WrestlingMetro Pro Championship Match - Derek Stone (c) vs. Trevor Murdoch Metro Pro Tag Team Title Match - Kobra Kai Dojo (c) vs. The King BrothersKansas CityKS
2015 KC Golden Gloves Regional ChampionshipsKC Golden Gloves presents boxing event -2015 KC Golden Gloves Regional ChampionshipsKansas CityKS
Boxing in the GardenBad Boyz Boxing Club presents Boxing in the GardenGarden CityKS
Turner Boxing ShowTurner Boxing presents Turner Boxing Show.Kansas CityKS
WalkoutFC- Champions CrownedWalkoutFC - Champions Crowned - Main Event Joe Fulk vs Ken Porter Jake Thompson vs Johnnie Roades John Hambleton vs Brandon MorganIndependenceKS
Great Plains WrestlingGreat Plains Wrestling presents Great Plains WrestlingTopekaKS
Great Plains WrestlingGreat Plains Wrestling presents wrestling event featuring Tommy Snow, Brandon Bennet, Gwen Boltz, The Mangler, Monster Chaos and many more.HoltonKS
Ringside Masters TournamentMissouri Valley presents Ringside Masters Tournament featuring best boxers in the event.LenexaKS
Iron Man Match for the Metro Pro ChampionshipMetro Pro Wrestling presents Iron Man Match for the Metro Pro ChampionshipKansas CityKS

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CrowdFunding Projects Past and Present include:

Project Name Project Description Project URL
My Journey to the tooEver since I was a child I knew I was destined to become the greatest FLW and BTW fighter in the world. It's an obsession and I promise to make u all proud
The Bull's Campaign In need of some extra funds for close to weigh-in diet time. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Detour We are looking to raise money for fighters to travel nationally and internationally for training and competition.
Help a Bulldog Join me on my road to victory! I need all the help I can get please. Hands are full w/work,family &training.Sponsors & medicals needed most. Thank you very much
BJJ Seminar FeeLooking for people to sponsor me for an upcoming BJJ seminar.
Judo Tournament FeeI would love to get sponsored for my upcoming judo tournament.
Fight Related Medical IssuesPaying for training injuries can be tough with high deductibles on insurance.
The Bull TrumbullI am an on the rise welterweight MMA prospect who has in just two years achieved Blue belts in all the arts I study and have also made my pro debut in this time
Help me train with the best in the world!Im looking for help for the cost of training. To train at the best gyms with the best coaches I have to travel. The travel fees and training costs are very high
The Bull's CampaignNeed funds for upcoming medicals for my next fight August 29th in Austin Texas

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